Where's Where

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The events of The Common Ground occur mainly in San Francisco. Amongst the points of interest are several which lie along ley lines which run through the City. Five of these lines form a skewed pentagram across the City. Large objects of unknown provenance are buried under at least two of the points where these lines cross to form the tips of the pentagram.

An alphabetized list may be found at Where's Where.

Ley line pentagram

Player locations

Other Residences

Offices or Meeting Points

Bars and Clubs



Other locations


ll a location along one of the lines in the ley line pentagram
lli a location at one of the internal intersections in the ley line pentagram
lln a location at a minor node where only one of the crossing lines is in the ley line pentagram
llp a location at one of the points in the ley line pentagram

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